All in Budget friendly

Budget friendly low waste winter skincare routine

Winter has come. Aka Florida’s coldfront is here, the temperature has dipped and its time to switch up my skincare routine. If you don’t have a routine, now is definitely a good time to start. The air is cold and dry and can be so harsh on your skin. I’ve never had too much of a problem skin but when I started investing time in my skincare it flourished. As soon as I stop my skin goes back to being dull. Now you don’t need a 10 step system, start with a simple 3 step and build from there. My routine is a requires a few more steps but all the products I use are budget freindly and low waste.

Moisturized skin with GorjusWhips Body Butters

I know, I know, it has been a while since putting up a post. I've been putting some more focus on my clients and my health coaching business. But one thing that hasn't change is me taking time for some self-care. Self-care doesn't have to be a full blast Spa day, complete with a hot stone massage, facial, deep tissue…..what was I talking about again lol. But yeah those of us on a budget have to transform our homes into a spa. I loooove skin care products, especially all natural gems. Taking time to take care of your skin is definitely a form of self-care. My girl form GorjusWhips sent me some two jars of whipped shea moisture body butter from her all natural collection and I'm absolutely in love.