
Hey Ladies and Gents,

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How exercise can impact mental health

How exercise can impact mental health

“Breathe in. 

Breathe out. 

One more. You got it. 


You did it. 

Now do it again.”


Before I became interested in more holistic and natural ways of healing, exercising has always been my go-to in my early twenties. As a black woman juggling multiple roles now as a mother, wife, friend, sister, daughter, budding entrepreneur, and developing as a person myself, my mental health could use some daily TLC. I sometimes suffer with anxiety, and since giving birth I also found myself healing through persistent and intrusive mental health symptoms that I kept inside. When I exercise, I can turn that negative energy into physical movement/power and clear my mind to find solutions. When I push myself physically, it gives me a mental strength that makes way for positive energy to manifest in my life. 

Psychologically, regular physical exercise has been proven to improve anxiety, depression, ADHD, stress, low energy, PTSD/trauma, insomnia, and a myriad of other issues. When you get your body moving, you encourage the release of neurotransmitters (chemicals) from your brain like serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins, which contribute to mood regulation, pain/stress relief, and overall well-being. By focusing on the movement of your muscles and how your body is moving, exercising is a real meditative experience. Exercising regularly improves the sex life, self esteem, energy levels, longevity of life, happiness, sharper memory, better sleep, and the list continues! There’s no bad outcome when you’re living a more fit, active lifestyle.

How to easily start your own herbal medicine kabinet (4).png

Let’s get real!! I wish I had 2 hours to dedicate to the gym these days but with a toddler, that’s near impossible. Fitness doesn’t only happen in the gym; have fun! You could talk a walk/jog, stretch, do martial arts, yoga, or even dance! Just get your body moving for 5-10 minutes a day and build up to 30 minutes. If you skip a day, no problem! If you get tired, you’re human! The fitness journey (especially as a mom!) is a lifestyle change, not just a monthly diet and exercise challenge. Good actions add up!

To keep myself accountable to myself and my village, I’ve been tracking my fitness and wellness journey on social media (@herholisticfitness, Her Holistic Fitness on Facebook). I will be hosting a bootcamp this month and July 2019 will be the launch of my online fitness coaching business so stay tuned, and take the plunge with me into a better life! I believe in you.


 In Good Health, 


Arielle L.F. Smith


5 Beginner-friendly Yoga Moves to Help With Stress

5 Beginner-friendly Yoga Moves to Help With Stress

Full Body Loop bands workout

Full Body Loop bands workout