All tagged workout

How exercise can impact mental health

Psychologically, regular physical exercise has been proven to improve anxiety, depression, ADHD, stress, low energy, PTSD/trauma, insomnia, and a myriad of other issues. When you get your body moving, you encourage the release of neurotransmitters (chemicals) from your brain like serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins, which contribute to mood regulation, pain/stress relief, and overall well-being. By focusing on the movement of your muscles and how your body is moving, exercising is a real meditative experience. Exercising regularly improves the sex life, self esteem, energy levels, longevity of life, happiness, sharper memory, better sleep, and the list continues! There’s no bad outcome when you’re living a more fit, active lifestyle.

Full Body Loop bands workout

You guys know I'm a work from home mom so I love at home workouts. They fit best into my schedule. Check out my previous on how to get in a successful at home work out. Today I wanted to add some loop bands to my workout to burn extra fat at tone my muscles. This workout is quick, gets the heart pumping and will help you tone your body and burn calories. Loop bands are easy to use and very effective.