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3 ways to practice manifestation; What you see (say) is what you get

3 ways to practice manifestation; What you see (say) is what you get

We are in unprecedented times, uncharted waters with the COVID19 quarantine. It’s a drastic change, with no real answers in near sight, and it’s stressful. And what is the first response to stress? Fear, anger, retreat. It is easy to shut down during these times and do what is comfortable for us. I personally started off the first 6 days of quarantine feeling sorry for myself, wondering how in the world I was going to possibly do this and that while being stuck in the house. “Can I make my relationship stronger? I won’t ever get my writing off the ground. I cannot possibly train for my marathon in these conditions”. I [we] focus a lot on what we don’t have and what we can’t do, instead of imagining and planning for what we CAN do. But, how do you [we] change this mindset during COVID19 quarantine and after? How do we work to build the lifestyle and habits that we want when we are stuck in the house!?


So, let’s talk about manifestations.


Manifesting is not as hard or as crazy as you think. A lot of people think that manifesting what you want, need, and WILL HAVE requires meditation. Meditation can be part of it, yes, but manifesting is more so SAYING and BELIEVING what you want and need WILL happen. Here are three ways that you manifest the life and routines that you want: Speak it into existence, Meditation, and Affirmations. Let’s unpack those.



The energy that you want to receive, is the energy you have to give off.  All the negativity and “poor me” has got to change. You are allowed to feel down, you are allowed to cry, you are allowed to be pissed. But for every time you have a negative emotion, you need to SPEAK on the positive counter to that negative emotion. For example, I went running today to train for this damn marathon. My mind went in all different directions from wanting to give up, to calling myself dumb for thinking I could do it, to thinking crazy things about the person who passed me running. I thought all this within the span of maybe 30 seconds. I felt the heat and the annoyance in the moment. But I SPOKE out loud positivity. Told myself to make it to the bridge; told myself that this was productive and helpful to my health and growth;  thanked God that I was able to be out and running in the first place. This positive talk genuinely made me feel better and get through my run.



Many people think that during meditation, you will have this grand epiphany and find all the answers. Sorry ya’ll, but it does not work like this. Meditation is the calming of your mind, not necessarily the silencing. Meditation prompts you to focus on your breath, the inhales and exhales, to really focus on YOURSELF. In focusing on the simple yet vital act of just breathing, your body and mind can relax and be kinder to itself. And it does not have to be for a long time at first. I started mediating a year ago and I could only do about a minute a time, for months. I would get frustrated that I couldn’t go longer, but each little minute promoted kindness and stillness. The more kindness and stillness you have (basically the more you practice) the longer you’re able to meditate. This sense of calm is what allows you to think clearly, come up with ideas, and really figure things out. Mediation is giving yourself SPACE and PEACE.[disclaimer: there are different types of meditations for more in depth issues and concerns, but we will keep it basic for now.]



Affirmations are similar to speaking it into existence, but not always vocal. Affirming something just means that you are telling yourself IT. IS. GOING. TO HAPPEN! You can speak these (usually in the morning when you want to set the tone for the day), write them (evening affirmations to sleep and vibe on) or draw/paint them (literally let what you need or want flow from your fingertips). My favorite is to write affirmations on my mirror about my body and speak affirmations about my mind. For example:

I Respect and love my body because it was a gift from God.

I am beautiful the way I am.

I am smart.

My best is enough.

I WILL get that first blog feature

I WILL lose that lingering 5 pounds

I WILL set boundaries in my relationships.

I AM saving for that house.

Affirmations can be a way to not only change your thinking, but also hold yourself accountable. It is true: the more you continue to tell yourself something, the more you start to believe it. We believe such negative things about ourselves because we constantly repeat. LET’S DO THAT WITH POSITIVES.



So now you know more about manifesting what you want and need, and 3 ways to practice that in your everyday life FROM YOUR HOUSE…for free. It’s time to start being kinder to yourself. Here is one affirmation to start that you can also speak into existence: I am going to do great things, so I WILL take care of my mind and body. OR I am not those negative things I tell myself, so I WILL speak all the good that I AM.


With Positivity, Growth, and All the Things,

Jaymee Vee




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